Without our incredibly committed 110 volunteers, a festival like MaxlRIDE would not be possible. Of course, Silke, Roel, Barbara and Matthias had the ideas and planned everything down to the last detail, but someone had to implement it. And to do so, some of them pushed themselves to their physical limits for a week. In honor of this festival family, we want to give you a look behind the scenes, show what a feat of strength the three days are and why it is not (just) work.

Around four weeks after the first edition in 2023, planning for 2024 began in September. As soon as we had the go-ahead from the brewery for the date, we began to acquire exhibitors. It was crucial to be included in the major brands' marketing budgets and also in their event calendars. Things were much slower than we expected and we set our deadline for the end of February. If we do not receive at least 50% written confirmations by then, MaxlRIDE cannot be financed.

In November, we optimistically started pre-selling tickets, spoke to the first service providers and looked for helpers. Everything went according to plan. We didn't have the 50% confirmations by the deadline, but it doesn't matter, it will more or less work out.
The rough layout of the site was in place, the security concept was written, all the necessary official applications had been submitted, and the first meetings with the Rosenheim district and the Bad Aibling police were unanimously positive. It felt like it was "easy going" until the first impacts came in April and May.

A brand manufacturer that had agreed to participate with two major brands suddenly backed out. A five-figure sum was missing from our budget overnight. Immediately after that, there was a misunderstanding with the supposedly hired security, who no longer had us in their booking calendar. Finding good and affordable security three months before the event? And then the fresh water and waste water pipes for the campsite could not be implemented as planned. So everything had to be replanned. Swapped the campsite for the course, which actually ended up being good for the whole area.

Shortly beforehand, there was a lot of communication with the health department regarding the drinking water supply and campsite showers, but everything was resolved amicably. And then, a week before the event, the plumber who was supposed to lay 500 meters of fresh water and waste water pipes dropped out because another, "real" construction site had priority. But here too, an incredibly committed replacement was found at short notice. So the construction can begin.

The first 30 volunteers arrived on Tuesday morning, fully motivated. For some, it was a happy reunion, some were completely new. They came from Hanover, Berlin, Frankfurt, Fulda and even Barcelona. No journey was too far, no vacation day taken was too valuable. When we were often asked "why", we kept hearing "Because it's fun, because we get to meet new people, because we're part of the MaxlRIDE family". That always moves us to tears.

While some measure the area and mark the tent positions, the majority of the team is busy putting up and bolting 2.8 km of construction fencing. And then another 500 meters of barriers and 150 pallets. Another team begins to lay out the course, organizing wooden structures, old tires and straw bales. The tent builders and sanitary containers arrive, stage builders, electricians and plumbers begin their work. There is a lot of activity on the castle lawn. And without our two forklifts, two trucks, three rangers, a trailer and occasionally a tractor, nothing would be possible.

The summer of 2024 was characterized by heavy rain in Bavaria, and it rained again on the Sunday and Monday before construction began. The meadows were no longer absorbent; in some areas the water was ankle-deep. Not exactly ideal for driving around on them with heavy equipment. The sun shone for the next two days and we were extremely positive that everything would work out. After we had to drag the forklift, a generator, and a van out of the meadows three times, the euphoria subsided somewhat. And yet, over a small snack at lunch or in the evening with cheeseburgers and fries, we laughed and looked forward to the next day.

We did the campsite test on the night from Wednesday to Thursday: We parked a four-wheel drive camper on the castle meadow, but it sank up to the wheel hubs overnight. There was no way out. If that happens to us now with 150 booked camper vans, then chaos is imminent. So on Thursday, shortly before the first campers arrive, everything was replanned. The camper vans and caravans have to be moved to another, drier meadow. We hastily cleared the area and replanned the power supply, which unfortunately didn't satisfy everyone in the short term, as there were no more distribution boxes available and the walk to the showers was longer.

On Thursday morning, the first of the 80 exhibitors and food trucks arrived and wanted to set up, especially the mighty US truck from Harley, which brought a gleam to everyone's eyes. Yes, it's going to be something this year! At 10 a.m. the official approval was already given, but emergency exit markings and floodlights were still missing. The pressure was mounting for us, because all the rough work had to be done by now. But with a lot of understanding, the Tuntenhausen community and the Bad Aibling police gave the green light. And on Thursday afternoon the first campers arrived, and more helpers reported for work. The work on the four different courses took more time than planned, but it was worth it.

Unfortunately, on Friday night, the WiFi that had been set up specifically for this purpose didn't work as we wanted, although it was essential for all cash registers and entry systems. At exactly 10 a.m. on Friday, we were able to improvise somewhat and let the visitors onto the site.

In the meantime, 110 helpers were at cash registers, bars, parking lots, campsites, course marshals, information stands, guides for the guided tours, instructors for the training sessions and backstage for accounting, helper coordination and internet communication. with great enthusiasm. And another 50 people from security, Malteser Hilfsdienst, police to cleaning staff, were involved.

Except for a power outage on Saturday afternoon, at the food trucks of all places, and the rain on Sunday, things were hectic but relaxed. Except for the traffic assistants and parking attendants. On Saturday morning, it felt like hundreds of motorcyclists arrived at the same time. New alternative parking spaces had to be found every 30 minutes and visitors had to be redirected.

Nevertheless, everything seemed to work out, the almost 5,000 participants at the weekend had a lot of fun, felt comfortable, took part in the activities on offer, drank and celebrated. If the festival continues to develop like this in the next few years and we are lucky with the weather, then perhaps a break-even point will soon be in sight.

And then, rain on Sunday. Once again. And because it was so beautiful, it still rained on Monday. But our motto was "Maxlrain or shine - we ride!". To avoid further damage to the fields on the castle meadow, where the Maxlrainer Gartenlust will take place two weeks later, we had to postpone the work with the heavy forklift and tractor until Tuesday and do some of it with the help of rangers and even by hand. Nevertheless, we made rapid progress with the construction fences, tents, pipes and cables. Only the 600 meters of laid lane slabs required thorough cleaning of the mud. A whole 12 hours. The last volunteers were there until late at night, did not give up, did not want to leave.

10 days after construction began, it was all over again. The field was empty, materials were stored, all the helpers were back at home working. The team chat on WhatsApp is slowly getting quieter, all the missing tools and other utensils have turned up, everyday life is back for everyone. And yet everyone misses each other. The MaxlRIDE experience has turned helpers who were unknown to each other into a family who are looking forward to seeing each other again, who are there for each other. And who are looking forward to being able to go on a week-long workout vacation again in 2025, for which the first have already submitted their vacation requests.
Our greatest respect and indescribable thanks for the support. Because without the volunteers, there would be no MaxlRIDE MOTOFESTIVAL.